5 Full Moon Tarot Spreads to Try on the Next Full Moon

The full moon is a wonderful time for clarity. By the light of the full moon, you can see everything around you outside, and you can take a similar approach in using the energy of the full moon while reading tarot.

Using the tarot to discover what needs attention in your life, what you’d like to manifest, what should be released in your life, and what accomplishments can be celebrated is a great way to tap into this energy.

Just be aware that energy levels run high at this time, and if you’re especially sensitive or prone to anxiety, you’ll want to make time and space for keeping yourself well-balanced.

A 4-Card Full Moon Tarot Spread for Letting Go of the Past

This full moon tarot spread is perfect if you’re looking to let go of something from your past.

The Letting Go Full Moon Spread

  1. What you need to let go of.
  2. Why it’s time to let go of this thing.
  3. What new beginnings are waiting for you when you let go?
  4. How to best approach this moon cycle and letting go process.

Past events and experiences that have been imprinted on our minds and hearts are difficult to release, so make sure to give yourself a fair amount of grace through this experience.

See also  9 Tarot Spreads for Clarity to Help You Get Unstuck

A 4-Card Full Moon Spread for Releasing Energy

If you feel as if there’s something you’re ready to let go of but you don’t quite know what it is, this is the tarot spread for you. Use this spread to identify what energy you’re ready to release and how to make it happen.

The Full Moon Release Spread

  1. What’s no longer serving me?
  2. How can I release this energy from my life?
  3. How will letting this energy go shift things for me?
  4. What intention can I carry forward as a reminder of this release?

After the reading, give yourself some time and safe, quiet space to reflect on what you’re releasing and clear your mind of the clutter this energy has created. You might also consider following this reading with a full moon ritual to aid in clearing your energetic field.

A 4-Card Full Moon Tarot Spread for Release and Celebration

The full moon is a powerful time for reflection and celebration. Use this full moon tarot spread to help you tap into the full moon energy and guidance.

The Full Moon Celebration Spread

  1. What you need to let go of in order to move forward.
  2. What you can celebrate and be grateful for in your life.
  3. What full moon energy and guidance you can work with.
  4. Any other messages or insights you might receive from the full moon.

Take some time to sit with your full moon tarot spread and see what messages come through for you. Honor what you need to let go of, celebrate what is working well in your life, and open up to the full moon energy and guidance that can help you move forward.

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A 5-Card Full Moon Spread for Filling Your Energetic Reserves

The period of time between the new moon and the full moon can consist of making a lot of decisions, taking action, and expending your energy at high speeds. Use this full moon tarot spread to help you replenish your energetic reserves as you move into the next phase of the moon cycle.

The Filling Your Cup Spread

  1. What have I created and manifested since the new moon?
  2. How does this impact my life?
  3. How has this given me joy?
  4. How can I celebrate the work I’ve done?
  5. How can I replenish my energy?

This full moon tarot spread can help you to take stock of all that you’ve accomplished since the last new moon and give you a chance to celebrate your successes. It can also help you to identify how you might need to replenish your reserves so that you’re well rested and ready for the next moon cycle.

A 9-Card Full Moon Tarot Spread for Setting Goals and Intentions

This spread can help you identify areas of your life that need work and areas that you are doing well in. It can also help you focus your intentions for the full moon.

Lay the cards out in a three-by-three grid with the first row representing the past, the second row representing the present, and the third row representing the future.

The Goal-Setting Full Moon Spread

  1. An event or situation from your past that is affecting your present.
  2. An obstacle or challenge you are currently facing.
  3. An event or situation that will occur in your future if you do not make a change.
  4. What you need to let go of in order to move forward.
  5. An aspect of yourself that you need to focus on.
  6. An outcome you are manifesting.
  7. What you need to do to make your manifestation a reality.
  8. An obstacle or challenge that may prevent you from achieving your goal.
  9. The final outcome of your situation.
See also  5 New Moon Tarot Spreads to Try for Yourself

Take some time to reflect on each position the full moon tarot spread and what it means for you. Use this information to help you focus your full moon intentions.

Create a Full Moon Ritual for Yourself With These Spreads

After you’ve identified a full moon tarot reading that fits well with your life and goals, it’s the perfect time to develop a full moon ritual for yourself.

Rituals can be a wonderful way to consistently connect with your higher self, practice self-care, and get to know your tarot deck on a deeper level.

Choose one or two of the above spreads and commit to reading them with your tarot cards every month on the full moon. You might also consider using a specific tarot deck that matches the energies you hope to reflect on.

Crystals are a great tool for helping you set an intention, and can help you create a sacred space to connect with the universe.

Always use your intuition to guide you in creating your moon rituals, and try any tarot spreads that you feel drawn to.

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